Stefan Kalle

The solution lies in the organisation.

About Mr. Kalle

  • Independent consultant and trainer
  • Degree in social sciences, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM), further training in agile team- and organisational development
  • Certified project coach
  • Licensed Structogram® trainer
  • 25 years of experience in project and change management, organisational and personnel development


Fields of activity

  • Project management and social competence training
  • (Agile) organisational and team development
  • Introduction of innovative organisational structures
  • Design and moderation of change processes and culture campaigns
  • Coaching for complex projects and programmes, project managers, and managers
  • Qualification for managers and consultants



  • Agile transition consulting
  • Organisation analysis, management and controlling of organisations and teams: orientation, structural and cultural development
  • Project management professionalisation
  • Training, training series, and teaching engagements on the topics of management, organisation and leadership, project management, change management, as well as social competence
  • Coaching for project organisations and project managers as well as development of PM guidelines and standards
  • Team development, workshop moderation, retreats, discussions on values, conflict moderation


(German) Blogposts and Presentations

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