Successful companies and organisations are capable of adapting to new conditions, new environmental influences, and new internal and external requirements at any time. Our seasoned experts guide you through this structural and cultural change – from analysing your overall organisation to achieving agile transformation.
PMCC organisational development – manage organisations successfully
Turning vision
into success.
It’s time to demand more than the run of the mill.
Every organisation is unique and multidimensional – as are its strengths and its challenges – and needs more than just standard solutions. It’s time to do away with ineffectiveness. How? With knowledge, experience, and a practical system. We bring untapped potential to light and deliver fresh perspectives. Together, we bring long-awaited answers to the table.
PMCC Consulting supports you in all matters related to your operational excellence with exactly what you need. Quickly, flexibly, and economically. Ensuring your company is ready to soar to new heights.
Operational excellence – from mediocrity to top achievements
More and more companies are moving away from a primarily function-based organisational structure towards greater customer orientation, flexibility, and future readiness. There are various organisational development models for achieving this. Which one a company selects depends on its specific context, the experience of the employees, and the market in which the organisation operates.
Operational excellence means nothing less than concentrating all aspects of a company on efficiency and effectiveness. The PMCC organisational model enables you to focus on the essential issues and analyse strengths and weaknesses, identify optimisation measures, and break free from mediocrity via continuous improvements. Because your customers are at the centre of all of your efforts, and they deserve nothing less than your absolute best performance.

Every organisation requires a specific strategy covering the analysis, planning, and implementation of substantive objectives. The goal is to ensure the competitive strength of the organisation and react to changes in conditions through the development and cyclical evaluation of the organisation’s vision, business model, positioning, and strategic objectives. In simple terms, this is not about working for the company, but on the company. Our experienced strategic consultants support you
- in the development of your company strategy,
- in the illustration of your business model (business canvas),
- in the moderation of strategy meetings, and
- in your strategy controlling
in order to lay the foundation for the further optimisation of your organisation in the areas of line management, projects, processes, competences, and culture.
Line organisation
“Structure follows strategy” – the strategy of a company serves as the basis for the design of its structural and line organisation. Whether functional structures, matrix or network structures, or agile or hybrid variants – ultimately, it’s about finding the most suitable and viable organisational structure for the company. Our organisational development experts support you
- in the analysis of your organisation,
- in the alignment of your organisation along the value chain,
- in the transformation process on the basis of your strategy, and
- in making your organisation agile
The ability to execute projects professionally increases the competitive strength of every organisation and supports the implementation of the defined strategy. Accordingly, adequate structures, processes, and roles are required. Their design is always dependent on the specific context and the project types, so the relevant procedures and standards can be traditional, agile, or hybrid. Our project experts support you
- in the professionalisation of your project management,
- in the qualification of your PM pros,
- coach your projects, programmes, teams, and managers, and
- temporarily contribute expert knowledge to your company as managers on demand.
Satisfying customer requirements with the highest quality, incorporating changes systematically, increasing responsiveness, and improving workflows for optimum cost-effectiveness are crucial factors for success in a dynamic market environment. To this end, transparency has to be achieved in complex work processes and continuous optimisation must be ensured. Our process management experts will transform your company from a functional organisation to a process-oriented one, lay the foundation for greater agility, and guide your digital transformation.
- More about process management professionalisation measures
- More about process management qualifications
- More about coaching teams, process managers and executives
Empowering managers and employees and developing their skills in line with their roles are key topics in every organisation. Particularly when it comes to organisational changes, the question of how to impart the necessary skills arises automatically, which means that organisational development always occurs hand in hand with personnel development. In this context, learning not only happens through formal methods of conveying knowledge and self-organised learning, but also through coaching and on-the-job learning. With our years of personnel development experience,
- we support you in the creation of tailored personnel development concepts,
- work with you to prepare integrated and long-term training concepts for project, process, and agile management, and
- establish effective and innovative learning arrangements at your company.
Culture is often neglected at the expense of structure, which represents a major risk when it comes to organisational change in particular. However, the culture is the central phenomenon that we have learned within the organisation, that we share with it, and that we identify with. Developing an organisation towards an agile orientation, for example, is not purely a matter of agile methods or techniques, but rather a question of the culture and the “mindset”. We support you with
- the cultural work and intervention in organisations,
- the implementation of the agile mindset, and
- the further development of the leadership culture, leadership principles, and values.
The agile transformation
No matter how we want to spin it, change is the new normal. Much like other areas of life, the corporate environment is undergoing radical changes virtually every day, and traditional approaches often can’t keep pace.
Responding more quickly, more flexibly, and with greater customer proximity in times of rapid change calls for new and modified strategies and business models and ultimately, organisational changes as well. This process can be seen as the transformation into a target state, one that integrates the strategic alignment, the adaptation of internal procedures, as well as the expertise that needs to be established and the accompanying shift in corporate culture.With this agile transformation, companies can respond to internal and external changes at an early stage, remain successful over the long term, while effectively controlling the conflicting relationship between change and identity.
Industry Sectors
We work with companies with between 15 and 250.000 employees
consulting and training days per year
years of experience
countries throughout Europe and the rest of the world