Gernot Winkler

Consultant, Managing Partner
As simple as possible, but no simpler.

A man of his word. But certainly not one to mince words. Because projects and programmes are complex enough already. Therefore, project management should not be seen as bureaucracy, but as a reduction of complexity and thus as a way to provide real support. Gernot Winkler categorically rejects problem-oriented thinking and instead prefers solution-oriented action and long-lasting implementation.

About Mr. Winkler

  • Managing Partner, PMCC Consulting
  • Degree in mechanical engineering and business economics, Graz University of Technology
  • 25 years of consulting experience for projects, processes, and organisations
  • University lecturer, international lecturing and publication activities, author, moderator


Fields of activity

  • Consulting for project- and process-oriented companies with emphasis on projects, processes, and organisations
  • Supporting organisational development projects with conception and implementation
  • Strategy and organisational development in conventional and agile contexts
  • Coaching for complex projects and programmes
  • Management development and cultural development for companies
  • Moderation of events and workshops related to organisational development topics



  • 25 years of management training experience
  • Coaching experience in roughly 150 complex projects and programmes (for various sectors and project types)
  • Implementation of approximately 30 project and process management professionalisation projects at international companies
  • Many years of experience in supporting organisational development measures and projects
  • Support for strategy development processes (strategy development and implementation)
  • Experience in solution-oriented moderation of events and workshops

(German) Blogposts and Presentations

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